UC Berkeley
3 人追踪
3 篇文章

Capgemini collaborates with The University of California, Berkeley to accelerate time to market of new materials

Capgemini announced today the launch of a research collaboration with The University of California, Berkeley, focused on building new method...


Pi 參加頂尖大學黑客馬拉松!重溫 (哈佛、康奈爾和加州大學伯克利分校)

2022年10 月 14 日到 16 日,Pi Core 團隊贊助並參加了在哈佛、康奈爾和加州大學伯克利分校舉辦的三場黑客馬拉松。

WillStudy 留學第一線紀錄

我在全球前五大集團,美國 M&A 在做什麼? | Berkeley MBA (Haas)

UnitedHealth Group (聯合健康集團) – Corporate Development Senior Associate
