CD Formulation Incorporates Phase Separation Method for Microsphere Production
Microspheres, tiny spherical particles ranging from 1 to 1000 μm in diameter, are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for drug delivery.
Interaktivitas di Dunia Kerja dan Edukasi Memahami Manfaat Interactive Flat Panel (IFP)
Dalam era teknologi yang terus berkembang, Interactive Flat Panel (IFP) telah muncul sebagai inovasi yang mengubah cara kita bekerja dan belajar.

Navigating the Digital Age: Unleashing the Power of Technology and Online Commerce
One of the most significant manifestations of this transformation is the rise of online commerce, which has revolutionized the way we buy an…
Dissolving Microneedle Preparation: Enhancing Drug Delivery Efficiency
CD Formulation, a leading provider of contract pharmaceutical formulation development services, recently announced the launch of its dissol...
How to Prepare Nano-vesicles for Protein Drug Encapsulation?
Nano-vesicles, also known as liposomes, have emerged as promising drug delivery systems due to their unique structure and properties.
Taiwan’s Central Bank Governor Yang Chin-long(楊金龍)spoke about the progress in developing a central bank digital currency (CBDC).


Super App: A whole new approach to the Digital Economy
Shift from single-purpose apps to multi-purpose Super Apps is upending the landscape of digital economy in Asia

/ 首先聲明,五年過去了,我也只是從聽過程式語言,變成了可以寫一點小東西的路人;絕非工程師本人。/ 我畢業那陣子,正是網路浪潮洶湧之際,綜觀矽谷,似乎隨地都是獨角獸(註:估值達 10 億美元以上的新創企業);全球各地更是冒出各種「XX 矽谷」的口號,渴望複製成功、培養出下...