道德与政治哲学讲义集 (Note 1)
最近在阅读Cohen那本lectures on the history of moral and political philosophy,发现Cohen对于古希腊三哲人的一些解读非常有意思。
1.The idea that he was executed because he was an intellectual gadfly or nudnik, is a philosophers’ myth. (“When you say. . . .”) and the reason why he was accused of impiety is that a postwar amnesty forbade charging him with wartime misdeeds.
2.The main point is that Plato’s state is not totalitarian precisely because of the dim view Plato takes of the quality of the mass of its citizens. Because they are pretty hopeless, the state will not intrude enough into their lives to qualify as totalitarian, as far as they are concerned.
Cohen认为,波普尔对于理想国的解读几乎全盘错误,柏拉图并非一个极权主义的支持者。当然,这不是因为他尊重底层百姓,而是因为他认为底层百姓天然质料败坏(bronze nature)无药可救所以听之任之不让他们干扰政治即可。极权主义的一个特征是全社会都朝着一个统一目标行动(如苏联,纳粹德国),然而柏拉图的理想国并没有这种想法。柏拉图政治理想中不近人情之处(如,不能有私产,不能用私心对待自己的儿女),只是专门用来要求统治者的。
3.Now the distinction between use and exchange-value can be found in Aristotle, and also the Marxian attitude of friendliness toward use-value and hostility toward exchange-value. Aristotle expresses the distinction as that between household management, which seeks to satisfy the needs of the members of a family or society, and the unlimited art of acquisition, whose aim is the unlimited accumulation of wealth, undirected to satisfying needs.
Aristotle also anticipates another element in Marxism, the idea that the nature of a state, the form of a government, is largely determined by the class composition of its members, and that a change in political life is a direct consequence of a change in the socioeconomic fundament of politics.
4.Man has not found it possible to enjoy the values the polis brought in the huge states which succeed the polis. The Christianity of Augustine enforces this disposition. Only in the modern era do thinkers again seek to weld individual and society together in harmonious union, do they try to revivify the legacy of Greece. for this is the aspiration of Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx.
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