【一分鐘英語】corner office ≠ 寒酸的辦公室
My friend's(朋友的) father(父親) had started(開始了) a very specialized(專門的) construction(建築) business(事業) years(多年) before(之前).
He was a simple(簡樸的), hard-working(認真工作的) man without(而沒有) any(任何的) college(大學) education(教育) or formal(正式的) business(事業) training(訓練).
Even though(即使) he was not your stereotypical(刻板印象的) corner office(坐在高級辦公室的) CEO(最高執行長), he was a very talented(有天分的) expert(專家) in his field(領域) and was able(有能力的) to leverage(藉助…發揮優勢) that knowledge(知識) and expertise(專業) into a thriving(蓬勃的) business.
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