{獨家原創英文版} 劉德華《繼續談情》英文版 原創歌詞 CANTONESE SONG ENGLISH VERSION Butterfly Lovers
{獨家原創英文版} 劉德華《繼續談情》英文版 原創歌詞 CANTONESE SONG ENGLISH VERSION Butterfly Lovers
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Butterfly Lovers (繼續談情英文版)
主唱/填詞/詩詞/剪片: 香江寅
原曲: 繼續談情
Butterfly Lovers
Inner thoughts of mine are they questioning fate?
What a life destined for the parting itself?
Reluctant petals are gathered and scattered
As if the play has told
But bitter as beloved
Is essence subdued by norms feeble in the world?
Cycles on stage with the same stranglehold
Have there been transformed butterfly's way
Of two lovers o'er mortal days?
Sky's widely senseless
Like watery glass
Great-breadth Nature not as mind
Though man kinship stifles love limited from bounds
Without rhyme or reason
**Tearfulness of rains
Drip through the curtained night
Silhouette at drama moments
Of yours consoles my heart
Empty chamber's cold
Shanbo's lone and lone
Just at dew reincarnated butterfly wings
Blossoms have their spiritual love**
Sky's widely senseless
Like watery glass
Great-breadth Nature not as mind
Though man kinship stifles love limited from bounds
Eons express my grief
Repeat ** x2
夢夢流沙執諭空, 趖曛照澹散迷朧。
摶人造物惟神宰, 屬氐悲絲曷染工。
境在源宗聯匯隔, 整皆羽蝶錯顏同。
奉違昊徳甡浮類, 亦盾偏矛訓帙瞳。
(平水韻, 一東)
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