
這篇是把握 Gitcoin Grants(GG22) Land Regenerators 募資的機會,整理起來的學習筆記。至於一季一次的公共財 Gitcoin Grants(GG) 募資是甚麼,再請大家點閱關聯作品,三篇文的作者都提出很富知識性的思考。






台灣最近終於通過成立第二個地方的環境信託——明知山有虎,是位在南投中興新村附近的一處耕地,是繼新竹自然谷在 2011 年成為全國第一個環境信託基地之後。




二、Agroforestry / Syntropic Agroforestry


圖片來自:Grassroots Economics 網站 PDF 檔
  • 台灣的林業比較坎坷,有機、無毒農業雖然很小眾,但也是一直有人在實踐和投入心力:有機農業推動中心官網的這篇與自然共存 再生有機農法,有清楚的說明。

三、土地再生與 Ma Earth

為了瞭解 GG22 這一回主理「Land Regenerators: Ma Earth Grants Round 2 / 土地再生者」募資背後的想法,看了 Ma Earth Matthew Monahan 的專訪,實際上,這位先生作了好多好多人的專訪,都放在 Ma Earth 網站上,他說他原本只是想去認識一些人、去了解他們在作的事情,但是他覺得不論大家現階段的想法或在努力的方向後來在現實會如何發展,他都覺得那些訪談的時光是真實的火光,應該是大家的資產,他不想據為己有,所以整個高規格製作上線,讓任何人都可以去取得。


專訪的 09:41
We know how to fence off waterways. We know how to not cut down trees. We know how to do a lot of basic human activities that can care so much better for the land. Um, but what we can't seem to solve is how to fit it within our economic paradigm.

區塊鏈和在Discord上帶出的透明度、Gitcoin Grants 還有所有一切正在發生的事情,或許會在大家努力地思索、探問和實作中找到一個可能的途徑。

根據 Ma Earth 主要篩選土地再生方案的理想出發點:The Regeneration Will Be Funded / 土地再生要獲得資助匹配池大小、機制、資助專案類型、預計合格受資助人數和計畫影響等,請參內詳):

他們公佈的土地再生(者)的範疇,大致列了十點 Type of Projects to fund / 資助專案類型:

Place-based projects: We aim to fund projects that are engaged in place-based regenerative land stewardship. Place-based projects create real-world impact, which we want to support with this Gitcoin Grants Round as an innovative and scalable funding mechanism.

In general, we’ve identified the following as common features of regenerative land projects.

地方為主的計畫:我們的目標是資助從事地方再生土地管理的計畫。基於地點的專案會產生現實世界的影響,我們希望透過這一輪 Gitcoin 補助金作為一種創新且可擴展的融資機制來支持這一影響。


  1. Soil Health Improvement: Activities such as composting, cover cropping, no-till farming, and rotational grazing are employed to enhance soil fertility, structure, and biodiversity. / 土壤健康改善:採用堆肥、覆蓋種植、免耕耕作和輪牧等活動來增強土壤肥力、結構和生物多樣性。

  2. Biodiversity Conservation: Efforts are made to promote biodiversity through practices like planting native species, creating wildlife corridors, and restoring habitats for endangered or threatened species. / 生物多樣性保育:透過種植原生物種、創建野生動物走廊以及恢復瀕危或受威脅物種的棲息地等做法,努力促進生物多樣性。

  3. Water Management: Sustainable water management techniques, such as rainwater harvesting, restoring wetlands, and implementing water-efficient irrigation systems, are utilized to conserve and improve water quality. / 水資源管理:利用雨水收集、恢復濕地和實施節水灌溉系統等永續水管理技術來保護和改善水質。

  4. Carbon Sequestration: Practices like agroforestry, reforestation, and holistic grazing management are employed to capture and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, mitigating climate change. / 碳封存:採用農林業、再造林和整體放牧管理等做法來捕獲和儲存大氣中的二氧化碳,以緩解氣候變遷。

  5. Community Engagement: Regenerative land projects often involve local communities and stakeholders in decision-making processes, education, and awareness campaigns to foster a sense of ownership and stewardship. / 社區參與:再生土地計畫通常讓當地社區和利害關係人參與決策過程、教育和宣傳活動,以培養主人翁意識和管理意識。(其實這個在台灣已經看到反例,一個地方會有開發派和保育派,也有財團去對原住民進行分化,但就是國外的大原則是這樣,可能在非洲、印度等相對原始地方仍然是普遍弱勢,才可能)

  6. Holistic Management: These projects often take a holistic approach, considering the interconnectedness of various elements within the ecosystem and striving for balance and resilience in the long term. / 整體管理:這些專案通常採取整體方法,考慮生態系統內各個要素的相互關聯性,並努力實現長期的平衡和彈性。

  7. Indigenous Land Rights: Recognizing and respecting Indigenous land rights and sovereignty, including Indigenous peoples’ knowledge, practices, and cultural connections to the land. / 原住民土地權:承認並尊重原住民土地權和主權,包括原住民的知識、實踐以及與土地的文化連結。

  8. Land Governance: Transforming land governance structures to be more inclusive, equitable, and participatory, with a focus on decentralized decision-making and community-led stewardship. / 土地治理:將土地治理結構轉變為更具包容性、公平性和參與性,重點是分散決策和社區主導的管理。

  9. Environmental Justice: Prioritizing environmental justice by addressing inequalities and disproportionate impacts of environmental degradation on marginalized communities. This includes ensuring that regenerative land projects benefit local communities and contribute to social and economic empowerment. / 環境正義:透過解決不平等和環境退化對邊緣社區的過度影響來優先考慮環境正義。這包括確保再生土地計畫造福當地社區並為社會和經濟賦權做出貢獻。

  10. Healing and Reconciliation: Acknowledging and addressing intergenerational trauma and healing relationships with the land and among different communities. This involves fostering reconciliation processes, building trust, and promoting dialogue and collaboration between Indigenous peoples, local communities, and other stakeholders involved in regenerative land projects. / 療癒與和解:承認並解決代際創傷,治癒與土地和不同社區之間的關係。這包括促進和解進程、建立信任以及促進原住民、當地社區和參與再生土地計畫的其他利害關係人之間的對話與合作


Gregory Landua 在作土地案子的職涯中,是農場規劃、永續農業那類的企業的設計諮詢師(不過在當今的經濟模式下,作景觀、自然環境再生的人是很難賺到錢的),和Matthew Monahan 一樣一直在思考土地再生如何可能得到經濟的解決。2017 年 5 月,他與夥伴共同創立 Regen Network、投入區塊鏈,開始作實驗、在再生經濟學、再生農業或再生供應這些更大的領域開展工作。

Matthew 專訪 Gregory Landua:

The Top of the Watershed with Gregory Landua (Regen Network)

My life work for the last six years has been to try to create a market infrastructure that can be owned fully and operated fully and governed fully by the supply side of this carbon and biodiversity and sort of living capital marketplace.

Matthew Monahan 專訪 Gregory Landua


00:00 Intro
02:09 Gregory’s background and Regen Network
12:07 What got Gregory interested in crypto
32:47 Blockchain is social computing
37:52 In defense of speculation
41:07 Activism, markets, and techno-utopianism
50:41 Carbon markets 101 and critiques
01:13:04 Blockchains to enable change
01:21:11 Owned and operated by the supply side
01:30:54 Going beyond carbon markets
01:36:14 Artificial intelligence
01:39:16 Gregory’s closing comments


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