關於文石Boox閱讀器最新的Firmware v3.3.2,你應該知道的事(整合第三方雲端/設置/OCR/字典/閱讀)
延續上回最新firmware v3.3.2筆記篇。這一集會集中介紹筆記以外的新功能新改動,以及我的用後感。結合上集,希望透過這兩回的影片,能讓閱讀器愛好者了解,文石閱讀器現階段提供了甚麼新功能給使用者。重點推介今回的整合第三方雲端儲存,非常實用。
00:00 開場白 Introduction
00:52 設置功能1:新增側邊手勢 Added side gesture controls
03:10 設置功能2:Tab系列新增自動休眠選項 Added auto-sleep option for Tab series
03:37 文石賬戶雲端空間升級 Cloud storage upgrade for Onyx account
04:08 OCR升級1:識別次數增加 OCR upgrade 1: Increased recognition limit
05:23 OCR升級2:轉PDF功能 OCR upgrade 2: Added PDF conversion function
07:02 OCR功能的不足處 Limitations of OCR function
08:22 新增整合第三方雲端儲存 Added integration with third-party cloud storage
12:47 新增內置字典 Added built-in dictionary
14:08 新增閱讀顯示彩色劃線 Added color highlighting for reading
15:40 v3.3.2更新說明書下載 Download link for v3.3.2 update manual
16:23 總結 Conclusion
#boox #firmwareupdate #tabultra #note #文石 #teaching #寧心舍 #粵語 #積塵
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If you are willing to support me in continuing to make videos, you are welcome to buy me a coffee. For those who want to learn traditional calligraphy, you can become a monthly member. Thank you.
硬筆課程介紹 Introduction to Calligraphy Course:
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