{極貼合印尼原曲內容英文版} 格桑《Bengawan Solo美麗的梭羅河》英文版 原創歌詞INDONESIA FOLK SONG ENGLISH VERSION姜文電影 太陽照常升起插曲
{極貼合印尼原曲內容英文版} 格桑《Bengawan Solo美麗的梭羅河》英文版 原創歌詞INDONESIA FOLK SONG ENGLISH VERSION姜文電影 太陽照常升起插曲
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Bengawan Solo (美麗的梭羅河英文版)
主唱/填詞/詩詞/剪片: 香江寅 原曲: Bengawan Solo
Bengawan Solo
Bengawan Solo
Cradle wavers in hum
Always from historic light
Tidal cool slips through my heart
Drought tells seasons go
Seems soundless, splashing, low
Rain depicts its clouds as close
Somehow flows to distant times
**Bengawan I long for your source
But untold mountains passed behind
Water by drops gather as journey
In veil of ocean mists
Soil at its pace and sail on its boat
Drifting trades recall her lore
Reflective ribbons on shore**
佛印尼僧跡有浮, 宮尊舉國塔師樓。
神州俗夢靈峰寄, 梁武天緣帝份修。
菲律賓從弦飾撥, 外方尼泊爾歸由。
雲泥本末成流匯, 等視無窮破寺鍪。
(平水韻, 十一尤)
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