中譯英 海子詩選 (三)
The Crown: A Sonnet
我所熱愛的少女 河流的少女 頭發變成了樹葉 兩臂變成了樹幹 The girl whom I love ardently My young maiden of the river Your hair has become verdure Your arms, the bole of a tree 你既然不能做我的妻子 你一定要成為我的王冠 我將和人間的偉大詩人一同佩戴 用你美麗葉子纏繞我的豎琴和箭袋 If to me, yourself you can't bequeath Then, I must wear you as my crown I, with worldly poets of great renown Adorn lute and quiver with your splendid wreath 秋天的屋頂 時間的重量 秋天又苦又香 使石頭開花 像一頂王冠 Roof of Autumn, the weight of time The autumn is bitter, the aroma sweet Make stones bloom, like a royal crown 秋天的屋頂又苦又香 空中彌漫著一頂王冠 被劈開的月桂和扁桃的苦香 Fall's roof, bitter yet scent sublime The royal crown, into the air emit Bitter spice of laurel and almond hewn
Lady Azure's Nest
木塔那兒一共有兩個人 藍姬她是一張小圓臉 藍姬的丈夫是一位賣高粱的皇帝 In the wooden tower, there lives two Lady Azure, with a small, round face Her husband, a sorghum selling emperor 賣高粱的人民幣 買來了一面小鼓 圍著小巢敲擊 鼓點聲大 雨點聲小 藍姬如一只雪雁 今夜又棲 愛人的嘴唇 Money from selling sorghum Was spent on a small drum Struck around the little nest The drumbeats loud The raindrops quiet Lady Azure, like a snow goose Perches tonight upon The lips of her beloved 巢 如果我公開 我自己秘密的小巢 一定會有許多耳朵湊上來 散布消息 My nest If I made public My own secret nest Many ears would gather And spread what they hear 水中一對魚夫妻 手捉手 走過橋洞去 A fish couple underwater Hand in hand Walk through the arch Of the bridge 掛巢之樹 結梨三只…… 藍姬指著前後左右 十字星是自己的丈夫 The tree on which The nest is hung Has bore three pears... Lady Azure points to all directions The starry cross is her own spouse
Night Moon
一扇又一扇門 推開樹林 太陽把血 放入燈盞 One door after another Push the woods away And into the lamp The sun pours its blood 河靜靜臥在 人的村莊 人居住的地方 人的門環上 The river lay quietly In a village of people In a place where people live On the knocking rings upon their door 鳥巢掛在 離人間八尺 的樹上 我仿佛離人間二丈 The bird nest is suspended On a tree Eighty feet above the world And the world seems to be Twenty feet below me 一切都原模原樣 一切都存入 人的 世世代代的臉,一切不幸 Everything is As it has always been Everything, with all its misery Is recorded In the faces of generations 我仿佛 一口祖先們 向後代挖掘的井 一切不幸都源於,我幽深的水 It is as if I were A well, dug by the ancestors Toward their descendants And from my dark, deep waters Stemmed all misfortune
The Village
村莊,在五谷豐盛的村莊,我安頓下來 我順手摸到的東西越少越好! 珍惜黃昏的村莊,珍惜雨水的村莊 萬裏無雲如同我永恒的悲傷 I settle down in the village A village bountiful with grain The fewer things I happen to touch The better! A village that treasures the dusk A village that cherishes the rain Vast, clear and cloudless Infinite like my eternal sadness
早晨是一只花鹿 踩到我額上 世界多麽好 山洞裏的野花 順著我的身子 一直燒到天亮 一直燒到洞外 世界多麽好 The morning is a spotted deer Trotting upon my brow The world is such wonder Wildflowers in the cave Ablaze along my body Burn till the dawn Burn their way out The world is such wonder 而夜晚,那只花鹿 的主人,早已走入 土地深處,背靠樹根 在轉移一些 你根本無法看見的幸福 野花從地下 一直燒到地面 And in the night, the master To whom the deer belongs Has long ago entered The depths of the earth His back against tree roots Shifting away Happiness you cannot perceive The wildflowers burn From below ground, to above 野花燒到你臉上 把你燒傷 世界多麽好 早晨是山洞中 一只踩人的花鹿 The wildflowers burn And scorch your face The world is such wonder And the morning is A spotted deer in the cave Trampling me
Song of the Suicidal
伏在下午的水中 窗簾一掀一掀 一兩根樹枝伸過來 肉體,水面的寶石 是對半分裂的瓶子 瓶裏的水不能分裂 Face down in the afternoon water The drapes flit and flutter A branch or two reach this way The flesh is a gem on the water A bottle split apart But not the water within 伏在一具斧子上 像伏在一具琴上 Hunched over an axe As if over a lute 還有繩索 盤在床底下 林間的太陽砍斷你 像砍斷南風 And the rope coiled beneath the bed Sunlight in the woods sever you Like it cleaves the south wind 你把槍打開,獨自走回故鄉 像一只鴿子 倒在猩紅的籃子上 You dismantle the gun And walk back alone To whence you came Like a dove, you fall Upon a basket of scarlet
For Sappho
美麗如同花園的女詩人們 相互熱愛,坐在谷倉中 用一只嘴唇摘取另一只嘴唇 Poetesses, beautiful as gardens Sit in the silo, and love one another Plucking another pair of lips With their own 我聽見青年中時時傳言道:薩福 I hear the youths' rumors From time to time: Sappho 一只失群的 鑰匙下的綠鵝 一樣的名字。蓋住 我的杯子 A name like A lost green goose Beneath a key Covering my cup 托斯卡爾的美麗的女兒 草藥和黎明的女兒 執杯者的女兒 Beautiful daughter of Toscal* Daughter of herbs and dawn Daughter of the cup bearer 你野花 的名字 就像藍色冰塊上 淡藍色的清水溢出 Your name Like a wildflower Runneth over Like light blue water From azure cubes of ice 薩福薩福 紅色的雲纏在頭上 嘴唇染紅了每一片飛過的鳥兒 你散著身體香味的 鞋帶被風吹斷 在泥土裏 Sappho, Sappho A red cloud encircles your crown Every flock of birds Flying by overhead Is dyed red by your lips The laces of your shoes Emanating your body's fragrance Is severed by the wind Sunken in soil 谷色中的嚶嚶之聲 薩福薩福 親我一下 Murmuring sounds In the aura of wheat Sappho, Sappho Bestow me a kiss 你裝飾額角的詩歌何其甘美 你雕零的棺木像一盤美麗的 棋局 How sweet the poetry That adorns your brow Your withering sarcophagus Like a magnificent Game of chess *才疏學淺,實在不知道托斯卡爾指的是什麼,有沒有高手指教
For Tolstoy
我想起你如一位俄國農婦暴跳如雷 補一只舊鞋的 手 時時停頓 這手掌混同於 兵士的臭腳、馬肉和鹽 你的灰色頭顱一閃而過 教堂的裸麥中央 北方流註的河流馬的脾氣暴跳如雷 胸膛上面排排舊俄的柵欄暴跳如雷 低矮的天空、燈火和農婦暴跳如雷 When I think of you I am reminded of the hand Of a Russian peasant woman Furiously mending an old shoe Pausing from time to time The palm of this hand Is easily confused with A soldier's fetid feet, horseflesh and salt Your gray skull flashes by the center Of the church's field of wheat Enraged is the temperance of horses From rivers flowing in the North Enraged are rows of old Russian fences Erected upon ones chest Enraged are the low-hanging sky, the lamplight And the peasant women 吹滅雲朵 吹滅火焰 吹滅燈盞 吹滅一切妓女 和善良女人的 嘴唇 Disperse the clouds And douse the flame Extinguish the lamp And snuff out the lips Of every harlot And decent woman 你可以耕地,補補舊鞋 你可以愛他人,讀讀福音書 我記得陳舊的河谷端坐老人 端坐暴跳如雷的老人 You could farm the land Mend your worn out shoes You could love others And read the Gospel I recall the old man sitting In an ancient river valley A furious old man, seated there
What Mozart Conveyed in Requiem
我所能看見的婦女 水中的婦女 請在麥地之中 清理好我的骨頭 如一束蘆花的骨頭 把它裝在琴箱裏帶回 Women that I can see Women in the water Please, sort through my bones In the fields of wheat Then place these bones, Like a bouquet of reed flowers Inside a lute case And take them home 我所能看見的 潔凈的婦女,河流 上的婦女 請把手伸到麥地之中 Pristine women, that I can see Women upon The river Please, reach your hand Into the field of wheat 當我沒有希望 坐在一束麥子上回家 請整理好我那零亂的骨頭 放入那暗紅色的小木櫃,帶回它 像帶回你們富裕的嫁妝 When I have no hope Of returning home Seated on a bale of wheat Please, sort my cluttered bones Place them in That small, mahogany box And bring it home, as if it were Your lavish dowry
最後的山頂樹葉漸紅 群山似窮孩子的灰馬和白馬 在十月的最後一夜 倒在血泊中 On the last mountain peak The foliage turns red The mountain range Like gray and white horses Belonging to impoverished children They fall in a pool of blood On the last night of October 在十月的最後一夜 窮孩子夜裏提燈還家 淚流滿面 一切死於中途 在遠離故鄉的小鎮上 在十月的最後一夜 On the last night of October The destitute child Returns home at night Lamp in hand, tears streaming Down his face For along the way Everything has perished In the town far from home On the last night of October 背靠酒館白墻的那個人 問起家鄉的豆子地裏埋葬的人 在十月的最後一夜 問起白馬和灰馬為誰而死……鮮血殷紅 The man with his back Against the white tavern wall Inquires about the one buried In the soybean field back home On the last night of October He inquires for whom Did the white and gray horses die... Their blood, fresh and crimson 他們的主人是否提燈還家 秋天之魂是否陪伴著他 他們是否都是死人 都在陰間的道路上瘋狂奔馳 Will their master ever return With lamp in hand? Will he be accompanied by The soul of Autumn? Or are they all dead, running furiously Along a path in the underworld? 是否此魂替我打開窗戶 替我扔出一本破舊的詩集 在十月的最後一夜 我從此不再寫你 Did this dead soul open For me, a window And for me still, cast from it A worn out book of poetry? On the last night of October Nevermore will I write of you
The Earth, Melancholia, Death
黃昏,我流著血汙的脈管不能使大羊生殖。 黎明,我仿佛從子宮中升起,如剝皮的句子擺上早餐。 夜晚,我從星辰上墜落,使墓地的群馬閹割或受孕。 白天,我在河上漂浮的棺材竟拼湊成目前的橋梁或婚娶之船。 At dusk, my veins running with blood and sweat Cannot help the giant goats conceive; At dawn, it is as if I am rising from a womb Laying out breakfast like a sentence flayed; At night, I fall from the stars Neuter or impregnate a herd of graveyard horses; During the day, my coffin, drifting in the river Is even reassembled into a bridge or wedding boat 我的白骨累累是水面上人類殘剩的屋頂。 燕子和猴子坐在我荒野的肚子上飲食男女。 我的心臟中楚國王廷面對北方難民默默無語。 全世界人民如今在戰爭之前糧草齊備。 My pile of bleached bones is a roof Left behind by humans above water; The swallow and the monkey, seated On the belly of my deserted plain Eat, drink and procreate; In my heart, the court of Chu stays silent In the face of refugees from the North; Ahead of war, people of the world today Have readied their supplies of grain and fodder 最後的晚餐那食物徑直通過了我們的少女 她們的傷口 她們顱骨中的縫 最後的晚餐端到我們的面前 一道筵席,受孕於人群:我們自己。 Food from the last supper has Passed straight through our maidens Their wounds, the seams In the bones of their skulls The last supper is brought before us A feast impregnated by the crowd: A crowd, made up of ourselves
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