中譯英 海子詩選 (二)
At Sea
所有的日子都是海上的日子 窮苦的漁夫 肉疙瘩像一卷笨拙的繩索 在波浪上展開 想抓住遠方 閃閃發亮的東西 其實那隻是太陽的假笑 他抓住的只是幾塊會腐爛的木板: 房屋、船和棺材 Each day is a day spent at sea The impoverished fisherman A knot in his flesh Like a clumsy coil of rope Unravelling in the waves Wanting to seize That distant, glittering thing But it is merely the snickering sun And all he can grasp Are a few decaying planks: A house, a boat, a coffin 成群游來魚的脊背 無始無終 只有關於青春的說法 一觸即斷 Schools of fish, their spines Neither begin, nor end Only what is spoken of youth Breaks apart with a single touch
The Bride
故鄉的小木屋、筷子、一缸清水 和以後許許多多日子 許許多多告別 被你照耀 The wooden hut of my hometown A pair of chopsticks A vat of fresh water And so many days thereafter So many farewells That you shine upon 今天 我什麼也不說 讓別人去說 讓遙遠的江上船夫去說 有一盞燈 是河流幽幽的眼睛 閃亮著 這盞燈今天睡在我的屋子裡 Today I will remain silent But let others speak Let the ferrymen On the distant river talk A lamp The gloomy eye of the river It glows And sleeps in my room tonight 過完了這個月,我們打開門 一些花開在高高的樹上 一些果結在深深的地下 When the month ends, we open the door Some flowers bloom high on the trees Some fruit are bore deep underground
I, and Others who Bear Witness
故鄉的星和羊群 像一支支白色美麗的流水 跑過 小鹿跑過 夜晚的目光緊緊追著 Stars and flocks of sheep from home Flow by Like beautiful pale streams While fawns run past Pursued by the eyes of night 在空曠的野地上,發現第一枝植物 腳插進土地 再也拔不出 那些寂寞的花朵 是春天遺失的嘴唇 The first plant was discovered In a vast empty field Feet plunged into the earth Cannot be retrieved Those lonely blooms Are the lost lips of spring 為自己的日子 在自己的臉上留下傷口 因為沒有別的一切為我們作證 Days lived for oneself Leave wounds on one's face For us, nothing else bears witness 我和過去 隔著黑色的土地 我和未來 隔著無聲的空氣 The past and I Are severed by black soil The future and I Are divided by silent air 我打算賣掉一切 有人出價就行 除了火種、取火的工具 除了眼睛 被你們打得出血的眼睛 I plan to sell it all So long as a price is offered Except for the tools to make fire Except for the flame And my eyes Bleeding eyes, beaten by you 一隻眼睛留給紛紛的花朵 一隻眼睛永不走出鐵鑄的城門 黑井 One eye will be left to the flurry of flowers The other never leaves the city's iron gate A black well
Ask Me Not, What Be That Green
頭髮 灌滿陽光和大沙 我是荒野上第一根被曬壞的石柱 耕種黑麥 不要問我那綠色是什麼 Hair Filled with sunlight and dust I stand in the barren wasteland The first stone pillar To be eroded by the sun Planting rye Ask me not, what be that green 小鳥像幾管顏料 粘住我的面頰 樹下有一些穿著服裝的陌生人 那時我已走過青海湖,影子滑過鋼藍的冰大坂 不要問我那綠色是什麼 Little birds, like tubes of paint Stick to my cheeks Some garbed strangers beneath the tree By then I had walked past Qinghai Lake My shadow gliding over steel-blue ice Ask me not, what be that green 木筐挑著土 一步邁上秦嶺 秦嶺,最初的山 仍然在回憶我們,一窩黃黑的小腦袋——孩子啊 不要問我那綠色是什麼 On my shoulder, a wooden basket Filled with dirt I summit the Mountain of Qin In a single step The Mountain of Qin, the first peak Still in remembrance of us A nest of heads, yellow and black - O, children Ask me not, what be that green 我避開所有的道路 最後長成 站在風熏寓言的石墓上 長成 不要問我那綠色是什麼 I've evaded every path And eventually grew To stand on the tombstone Of wind-smoked fables Fully-grown Ask me not, what be that green
Wedding at Sea
海灣 藍色的手掌 睡滿了沉船和島嶼 一對對桅杆 在風上相愛 或者分開 The cove A blue palm, filled With sleeping shipwrecks And slumbering islands Pairs upon pairs of masts Fall in love in the breeze Or, drift apart 風吹起你的 頭髮 一張棕色的小網 撒滿我的面頰 我一生也不想掙脫 The wind lifts Your hair A small, brown net Cast over my face One I never wish to escape For my entire life 或者如傳說那樣 我們就是最早的 兩個人 住在遙遠的阿拉伯山崖後面 蘋果園裡 蛇和陽光同時落入美麗的小河 你來了 一隻綠色的月亮 掉進我年輕的船艙 Or perhaps, like legends of old The two of us are The first humans, living Behind remote Arabian cliffs And in the apple orchard The snake and the sunlight Fall together into a brilliant stream You came A green moon Falling into the youthful cabin Of my boat
Remembrance of a Past Life
庄子在水中洗手 洗完了手,手掌上一片寂静 庄子在水中洗身 身子是一匹布 那布上沾满了 水面上漂来漂去的声音 After Chuang-Tzu washes his hands His palms are filled with silence Chuang-Tzu bathes himself And his body is a bolt of cloth Stained with the sound of drifting Across the water 庄子想混入 凝望月亮的野兽 骨头一寸一寸 在肚脐上下 像树枝一样长着 Chuang-Tzu wants to sneak amongst Beasts that gaze upon the moon Inches upon inches of bone Grow like tree branches Above and below his navel 也许庄子是我 摸一摸树皮 开始对自己的身子 亲切 亲切又苦恼 月亮触到我 仿佛我是光着身子 光着身子 进出 Perhaps Chuang-Tzu is myself I touch the tree bark And become intimate With my own flesh Intimate; yet troubled The moon touches me As though I were naked Bare-naked Entering and exiting 母亲如门,对我轻轻开着 Mother, like a gate Opens slightly for me
The Vat
這就是我張開手指所要敘說的事 那洞窟不會在今夜關閉。明天夜晚也不會關閉 額頭披滿鐘聲的 土地 一隻壇子 This is what I wish to speak of With my fingers spread The cave will not close Tonight, nor tomorrow night The earth, its forehead draped With the sound of bells A vat 我頭一次也是最後一次進入這壇子 因為我知道只有一次 脖頸圍著野獸的線條 水流擁抱的 壇子 長出樸實的肉體 I enter the vat for the first And the last time For I know it can only be once My neck is encircled by Silhouettes of beasts The vat is embraced By the flow of water; from it Sprouts guileless flesh 這就是我所要敘說的事 我對你這黑色盛水的身體並非沒有話說 敬意由此開始,接觸由此開始 這一隻壇子,我的土地之上 從野獸演變而出的 秘密的腳,在我自己嘗試的鎖鏈之中 This is what I wish to speak of It is not as if I am speechless About your black, water-holding body For my respect and connection Commence hereon This vat, upon my earth Secret feet that evolved from beasts Shackled in endeavors of mine own 正好我把嘴唇埋在壇子裡,河流 糊住四壁,一棵又一棵 栗樹像傷疤在周圍隱隱出現 而女人似的故鄉,雙雙從水底浮上,詢問生育之事 Incidentally I Bury my lips in the vat The river binds the walls One after the other, chestnut trees Like scars from wounds Appear faintly all around While the lands from whence I came Float up from the riverbed Like a pair of women Seeking to inquire About the matter of birthing
Alive, in This Precious World
活在這珍貴的人間 太陽強烈 水波溫柔 一層層白雲覆蓋著 我 踩在青草上 感到自己是徹底乾淨的黑土塊 Alive, in this precious world The sunlight searing The waves tender Covered by layers of white clouds I Step upon green grass And feel as though I were A black clump of dirt Throughly cleansed 活在這珍貴的人間 泥土高濺 撲打麵頰 活在這珍貴的人間 人類和植物一樣幸福 愛情和雨水一樣幸福 Alive, in this precious world The mud splashes high Splatters upon my cheeks Alive, in this precious world Humanity is as content as the plants And love, as blissful as the rain
The Host
你在漁市上 尋找下弦月 我在月光下 經過小河流 You seek the waxing crescent In a market of fishmongers I pass by the small creek 'Neath the light of the moon 你在婚禮上 使用紅筷子 我在向陽坡 栽下兩行竹 You use red chopsticks At your wedding feast I plant two rows of bamboo Upon a sunny slope 你的夜晚 主人美麗 我的白天 客人笨拙 Your night is Hosted by beauty My day is An awkward guest
I Can't Have You
得不到你 我用河水做成的妻子 得不到你 我的有弱點的婦女 I can't have you My wife made of riverwater I can't have you My woman of flaws 得不到你 妻子滑動河水 情意泥沙俱下 I can't have you My wife moves the river A mudslide of affection 其餘的家庭成員俯伏在鍋勺上 得不到你 有弱點的愛情 Other members of the family Hunched over pots and ladles Cannot have you A love of flaws 我們確實被太陽烤焦,秋天內外 我不能再保護自己 我不能再 讓愛情隨便受傷 Indeed, we have been Burnt to a crisp by the sun I can no longer protect myself During or beyond the Fall I can no longer allow Reckless wounds to my heart 得不到你 但我同時又在秋天成親 歌聲四起 I can't have you, and yet I be married in the Fall The sound of song Rises all around
For the Bodhisattva on My Neck
呼吸,呼吸 我們是裝滿熱氣的 兩隻小瓶 被菩薩放在一起 Breathe, breathe We are two tiny bottles Filled with steam Placed side by side By the Bodhisattva 菩薩是一位很願意 幫忙的 東方女人 一生只幫你一次 The Bodhisattva is A woman of the Orient Ingratiatingly helpful Only once per lifetime 這也足夠了 通過她 也通過我自己 雙手碰到了你,你的 呼吸 Once is enough Through Her And through myself Both hands have touched you, your Breath 兩片抖動的小紅帆 含在我的唇間 菩薩知道 菩薩住在竹林裡 她什麼都知道 知道今晚 知道一切恩情 知道海水是我 洗著你的眉 知道你就在我身上呼吸,呼吸 Two small quivering red sails Between my lips The Bodhisattva knows She lives amongst the bamboo And knows of everything She knows of tonight She knows of all benevolence She knows that the sea Is me, bathing your brow She knows you are upon me Breathing, breathing 菩薩願意 菩薩心裡非常願意 就讓我出生 讓我長成的身體上 掛著潮濕的你 The Bodhisattva is willing In her heart She is quite willing To allow my birth To allow this grown body of mine Brace a damp, wet you
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