【推文】Yuri Bezmenov's Ghost - The post enlightenment resurgence of the third current of Gnosticism &..
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The evolution of sociological Gnosticism from Descartes to the present unfolds through a lineage of thought reintroduces pre-enlightenment Gnostic and Hermetic traditions, post-enlightenment, with the transition starting with Descartes and extending through Rousseau and beyond.
Descartes initiated a profound shift towards subjectivity by placing the thinking self at the center of philosophy. His method of doubt and the emphasis on individual reason—epitomized by the phrase "I think, therefore I am"—challenged established authorities and laid the groundwork for a more individualistic interpretation of reality. This inward turn set the stage for perceiving external societal structures not as natural or benign, but as potentially oppressive forces that constrain the individual's innate freedom.
Rousseau built on this idea by critiquing civilization as a corrupting influence that imposes symbolic "chains" (Man is born free, but everywhere, chains) on the individual, echoing the Gnostic concept of the material world as a prison created by a malevolent force. For Rousseau, true freedom could only be achieved by breaking these societal chains, mirroring the Gnostic pursuit of enlightenment through hidden knowledge (gnosis).
Hegel then advanced this intellectual trajectory with his dialectical method, which is central to understanding the evolution of sociological Gnosticism. Hegel’s process begins with the abstract, which represents a simplistic and incomplete understanding of a concept. This is followed by negation, where the limitations of the abstract are recognized, leading to its sublation (aufheben). Sublation is a complex process where the abstract is both preserved and transcended, culminating in the concrete, which integrates the insights gained through the dialectical process into a richer, more developed understanding.
Hegel’s dialectic, particularly the concept of sublation, aligns with Hermetic traditions of reconciling opposites to achieve a higher unity. In a sociological context, this process can be seen as a journey towards uncovering the deeper truths of societal structures, much like the Gnostic quest for gnosis. Hegel’s dialectic becomes a method for understanding and transcending the limitations of existing social and intellectual systems, contributing to the development of a framework for critiquing and overcoming oppressive societal structures.
黑格爾(Hegel)接著以他的辯證法(dialectical method)推進了這個知識軌跡,這是理解社會學靈知論演變的核心。黑格爾的過程從抽象(abstract)開始,代表對概念的簡單和不完整理解。接著是否定(negation),承認抽象的局限性,導致其昇華(sublation)(aufheben=揚棄)。昇華是一個複雜的過程,其中抽象既被保留又超越了,最終形成具體(concrete),將辯證過程中的洞察整合到更豐富、更發展的理解中。
Marx adapted Hegel’s dialectical method to the material and social realms, identifying capitalism as the prison and the bourgeoisie as the demiurge. For Marx, the proletariat represents the oppressed who must achieve class consciousness—akin to gaining gnosis—to recognize their exploitation and overthrow the capitalist system. Marxism thus functions as a form of sociological Gnosticism, where liberation is achieved by understanding and dismantling the material conditions that create societal oppression.
In the 20th century, this Gnostic framework was further expanded by various ideological movements, such as Critical Race Theory, feminism, and Queer Theory. These movements identify their own versions of the demiurge—white people, men, etc. and their own versions of the prison— white supremacy, patriarchy, heteronormativity—and the societal prisons they create. They repeat the Gnostic theme of liberation through (feminist/critical/race/etc) consciousness, advocating for the deconstruction of these oppressive structures to achieve true freedom.
在20世紀,這種靈知派框架被各種意識形態運動進一步擴展,如批判性種族理論(Critical Race Theory)、女權主義(feminism)和酷兒理論(Queer Theory)。這些運動各自識別出造物主(demiurge)的形式——白人、男性等,以及各自版本的監獄——白種優越感(white supremacy)、父權制(patriarchy)、異性戀霸權(heteronormativity)——以及它們創造的社會監獄。它們重複了靈知派透過取得(女權主義/批判性/種族等)意識而解放的主題,倡導解構(deconstruction)這些壓迫結構以實現真正的自由。
In summary, the lineage from Descartes the Rousseau to the present illustrates the evolution of a sociological Gnosticism that seeks to identify and transcend the hidden chains of oppression within society. Hegel’s dialectical method, particularly the concept of dialectic and sublation, plays a crucial role in this development, offering a framework for understanding and overcoming the limitations imposed by societal structures, and shaping the modern quest for liberation through knowledge and _____ consciousness.
For the “whaddabout Kant” crowd.
Kant further developed the trajectory initiated by Rousseau by elevating reason as both a liberating force and a source of new constraints. Kant argued that reason enables us to navigate and understand the world, but it also confines us within the limits of our own perception, restricting our access to things as they are in themselves (the noumena). This idea resonates with the Gnostic concept of hidden truths, as it suggests that there are deeper realities beyond the grasp of ordinary human cognition.
Let me summarize quickly the post enlightenment resurgence of the third current of Gnosticism & Hermeticism.
Gnosticism's resurgence, post-Enlightenment, revives older Gnostic ideas, emphasizing hidden knowledge (gnosis) for liberation from oppressive structures. Let's simplify and start with Rousseau, who saw society as corrupting & imposing "chains" (man is born free, but everywhere chains) on naturally free individuals, it echoes the Gnostic view of the material world as a prison created by a malevolent force (demiurge). This thread continues with Kant (Kant's 'chains" were reason') and then Marx, who identified capitalism as the prison & the bourgeoisie as the demiurge, advocating for liberation through class consciousness (gnosis). Modern critical theories pinpoint new "demiurges" (patriarchy, white supremacy) & oppressive systems, promoting liberation through awareness & deconstruction. Marxist and later neo Marxist theories repeated this structure. Take a look below and note the 'prison,' see who is that theory's Demiurge, see what is attaining Gnosis, etc. It's very repetitive.

Now the post-Enlightenment resurgence of Hermeticism is different. 'Neohermeticism' is a modern resurgence of Hermetic philosophy, emphasizing cosmic unity & the reconciliation of opposites. Post-Enlightenment, this manifests through the dialectical method developed by Kant, Fichte, & Hegel. Hegel's dialectic (abstract, negation, concrete) mirrors Hermetic processes of integrating opposites to achieve higher unity. Here, the dialectic becomes a tool for understanding & synthesizing conflicting ideas into a comprehensive whole, reflecting the Hermetic emphasis on harmony. Marx adopts Hegel's dialectic, applying it to material & social conditions (dialectical materialism), viewing historical progress as driven by resolving contradictions. Others have also revived hermeticism differently. Ex. Teilhard de Chardin extends Neohermetic thought by integrating evolution & spirituality, proposing the universe progresses toward an "Omega Point" of maximum consciousness & unity. Neohermeticism influences modern thought by providing a framework for societal transformation through synthesis, aiming for a unified social order. Working together, Neognosticism and Neohermeticism, is best labeled as sociognosticsm (@conceptualjames). The hermetic parts are often "baked in" ala Hegel & after.
後啟蒙時期的荷米斯主義復興則有所不同。新荷米斯主義是現代對荷米斯哲學的復興,強調宇宙統一和對立面的調和。在後啟蒙時期,這種復興透過康德、菲赫特(Fichte)以及黑格爾發展出的辯證法方法得以表現。黑格爾的辯證法(抽象、否定、具體)反映了荷米斯主義整合對立面以實現更高統一的過程。在此,辯證法成為理解和合成衝突思想的工具,反映出荷米斯主義強調和諧(harmony)的觀點。馬克思採用了黑格爾的辯證法,將其應用於物質和社會條件(辯證物質主義(dialectical materialism)),認為歷史進步是由解決矛盾所驅動的。其他思想家也以不同的方式復興了荷米斯主義。例如,Teilhard de Chardin將新荷米斯主義思想延伸到進化和精神領域,提出宇宙朝著最高意識和統一的「奧米加點」(ω(omega))進步。新荷米斯主義透過提供透過合成(synthesis)來作出社會變革的框架,影響了現代思想,旨在實現統一的社會秩序。新靈知派和新荷米斯主義共同被稱為社會靈知論(sociognosticsm)(@conceptualjames),荷米斯主義的元素通常「內化」在黑格爾等思想中。

TLDR- Neognosticism is about "learning to see the prison"—seeing hidden structures of oppression & identifying who is the friend (aids w/ liberation) and who is the enemy (enforces constraints). It gives you knowledge to 'unveil' the societal "prison" that limits freedom.
TLDR- Neohermeticism is "how to get there"-it provides the method to transcend the 'limitation.' With Hegel, It emphasizes the reconciliation of opposites to achieve higher unity, giving a path for transformation.