「愛」的秘密是什麼?What is the Secret of “Love”? (English below)
有個永遠沒有答案的問題是,我們應該等待,直到能和真正愛的人在一起,還是接受已經愛著我們的人? There's a question without an answer: Should we wait for the opportunity to be with someone who we truly love, or should we accept the people who have loved us already?
In all discussions, I like this statement the most: ”If everyone chooses to be with someone he/she loves, then no one will ever be left out.“
但,愛是什麼?這真是一個千古大哉問。 But...What is Love? This is the world's most asked question.
Sadguru once answered a question from Facebook: ”In this materialistic age, most of the love we receive from others and express to others is superficial. How can we reinforce the real feeling of love in our own lives and in others?“
He replied, ”If you just become love, not love somebody, then you will know the nature of love.
If you love somebody, it's a fickle happening, because no human being will happen 100% the way you want. Then, every human being on this planet is going to disappoint you…
Have you been able to fulfill anyone's expectations entirely?“
On my path of spiritual learning, there are two main meditations in my tradition. One of them is ”I am happy. I am love. I am light.“
When we meditate, first, we always come back to our hearts and dive into our own deep love. This has nothing to do with others. We just let our love continue to flow like waterfalls until our love fill us up, as well as the space around us. If you're willing to believe this is a process with ease, you'll understand ”Love“ is who everyone was born to be. Deep down there we are all ”Love“, we share the same quality, we just continue to forget about it.
人類圖祖師爺 Ra Uru Hu曾說過:「我們來到這世界上不是為了被愛,而是成為愛。」
Founder of The Human Design System, Ra Uru Hu said, ”We are not here to be loved but to be love.“
So...What is love in the world?
I would say that ”Love“ is who we truly are, from the beginning till the end. Therefore, stop intending to be anything else!
You are ”Love“ itself!
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