《The Clocks》

Rog Draw
telling the time on the other side/shearts exchanged and tied

seven hours late before, now eight

the toast of the breakfast stands by the afternoon coffee
the sun ends its shift in the middle of the night

telling the time on the other sides
hearts exchanged and tied

原文刊登於:Rog Draw

All rights reserved

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Rog Draw香港中文大學哲學系博士。 現職明愛專上學院人文及語言學院高級講師,主要教授思考方法、哲學史、道德哲學及政治哲學等課程。 多年來致力於哲學普及,曾任港台節目《哲學有偈傾》、網上節目《哲學係咁傾》主持。
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