《雙尾貓與機器人9000號》連載 · 第二章
Chapter 2
The little shack was sad and rundown, covered with a thick layer of dust. The atmosphere on the tiny planet was sparse, but there was sometimes a gust of wind that showered everything with yellow colored particles.
Robot9000 was the first to discover the mummified corpse sprawled in a chair built out of PVC piping, covered by a threadbare blanket. In his dry wrinkled claw of a hand, he held a box that looked almost exactly like the one Cat o’ Two Tails had found.
“I have discovered the source of the signal,” Robot9000 declared, and when Cat saw the body her eyes grew wide. “That’s it? That’s the guy and he’s DEAD?”
“我已發現了信號源頭,” 9000號宣佈道。當雙尾貓看到那具屍體時,她的眼睛睜大了。“這就是他?這就是那個發信號的傢伙,可他已經嚥氣了?”
“The advanced desiccation would indicate that all vital signs ceased quite some time ago,” Robot9000 said cheerfully. “I calculate –“
“屍體高度脫水的狀態表明一切生命徵象已停止很久,” 機器人9000號爽快地回答。“我估計—”
“Thanks, very helpful,” interjected Cat o’ Two Tails. “What I want to know is why the heck there’s a PERSON here. They never send humans through that thing, there’s enough rehab centers to change brains they don’t like.”
“謝啦,多話先生,“ 雙尾貓插嘴道。”我想知道的是為什麼這裡會有一個人?他們從來不會把人類送入傳送門的,改造那些不合群人類的大腦的實驗室有的是。“
“Unclear.” Robot9000 said. He pulled the box out of the hand that fell away like a dead branch and examined it. “There seems to be a switch on the underside of this device. Shall I activate it?”
“Why not? Maybe it’s a bomb and we can all be put out of our misery,” Cat O’ Two Tails replied, still miffed that there were no cans of Spam to be found.
Robot9000 pressed the tiny black button and the box began to hum. A light beam shot out of a small round hole on the opposite side, and a holographic image emerged, suspended in midair. Cat inhaled sharply.
The red-haired man in the image looked to be in his fifties. His eyes were sunken and his face gaunt, his lips a tight pale seam that exposed no teeth. He looked like he was in the process of being dried out from the inside. He wore a faded blue shirt with the threadbare blanket that covered the corpse draped over his shoulders, but what caught the two explorers’ eye was the yellow scarf hanging haphazardly around his neck.
“He’s got your–“ Cat o’ Two Tails started. Robot9000 didn’t respond.
“那是你的 —” 雙尾貓開始說。9000號沒搭理她。
“Hello,” The man in the video began to speak, and Cat fell silent.
“你好啊,” 錄像中的男子開口說道。雙尾貓便不吭氣了。

Despite his sickly appearance, the voice of the man in the video was surprisingly warm and congenial.
“If you are watching this, I assume that you are a sentient, intelligent organism that may have been sent through the waste disposal portal on Earth.” He sighed. “If that is the case, you need to get off this planet immediately, because the heavy metals permeating everything on this rock will eventually kill you unless you leave.”
“如果你在看這個,我推測你是一個被送入地球垃圾傳送門的智慧生物,“ 他嘆了口氣。”如果的確如此,那你必須馬上離開這個星球,因為這塊該死的石頭已被重金屬完全污染,你如果留在此處將會被慢慢毒死。“
Cat groaned at this. “Of course that’d be a thing,” she said.
“I wish I could help you in person, but by the time you are watching this, I’ll be knocking back a few beers with Freddie Mercury. Hopefully, the transport pod I took to get here through the trash chute on earth will get you to the habitable exoplanet that this one orbits around. I no longer have the strength to travel in it, but you can, provided you are not yet at an advanced stage of heavy metal poisoning. The launch site is not far. You’re welcome, by the way.” He sniffed and pulled the blanket tighter around him. “There is a catch, though. I implore you to take my son with you.”
“我當然想助你一臂之力,但你看到這個的時候,我正在天上和貓王喝啤酒呢。我希望,我穿越垃圾傳送門時乘坐的小運輸艇可以帶你抵達這個小行星環繞的宜居星球。我已經沒有餘力去那裡了,但是你可以,只要你還沒有出現被金屬污染的症狀。發射地點離這裡不遠,不用感謝我了,“ 他吸吸鼻子,把毯子在身上包緊了些。”只有一個條件。我求你帶我的兒子一起離開。“
“What the heck,” Cat o’ Two Tails muttered.
”什…這又是什麼新名堂啊,“ 雙尾貓喃喃道。
“He’s not far from here. I’ve programmed him not to leave his immediate vicinity and perform self maintenance, but I want someone to take care of him beyond that. I came here with him because, well… there was no place for us on Earth, where negative emotions have essentially been outlawed,” The man’s shoulders slumped even further. “He was the first robot with true emotions that I built into him, the entire spectrum - not an artificial approximation, mind you - but for that they wanted to trash him.” His eyes teared up. “The world got cocky after eradicating illness, hunger and war, so it decided to eradicate all negative emotions, but when you remove sadness and pain, you remove empathy too. They voluntarily get chip implants so there is only joy and complacency, but nobody feels true attachment to anything anymore. They even make hyperintelligent, genetically modified pets that can talk to them, but if a pet has a negative personality, then it gets to kick the bucket. I couldn’t live like that, and I couldn’t live without my son either, so I signed a waiver to be disposed with him to wherever it might lead. It seems I won’t be joining him on the next journey though. By the time I finished revamping the pod for the flight you’re about to take, this planet and all its toxins has already gotten the best of me. ”
”他離這裡不遠。我給他的程序中編入指令叫他不要走遠,時不時進行自我維修,但是我希望在這之外能有人幫忙照看他。我和他一起來到這裡是因為…地球上已沒有我們的一席之地了。在那裡,任何負面的情感都被視為一種罪過,“男子的雙肩塌得更低了。”我的兒子是第一個具備真正情感的機器人 — 我是說整個人類情感的光譜,不是拙劣的模仿 — 但由於此,他們卻想把他毀掉。” 他的眼睛濕潤了。
Without warning, the man began to weep quietly. Cat o’ Two Tails looked over at her companion to find him completely still, his indicator light rapidly cycling. She suddenly felt incredibly awkward.
“T-take him to your new home with you,” The man buried his face in his hands for a moment, took a deep breath and continued. “I blocked him from being able to access memories of me, because I know that he would be devastated by my death and the solitude afterwards, but now that you are here, perhaps having those memories restored by watching this would not be so bad for him.” He blew his nose into a corner of the blanket. “Please, do not let him watch this until you are ready to take him along. I don’t want him remembering everything too early and suffer for it.”
“請- 請帶他和你一道去新的世界,” 男子把臉埋入雙手片刻,深深吸了口氣後繼續說。“我把他記憶中與我有關的內容都阻斷了,因為我知道如果他能夠接入那些記憶的話,他會被我的死亡和之後的孤獨摧垮的。但是現在既然有你在,讓他看到這段錄像恢復記憶,或許對他會有益,“ 他用毯子一角響亮地擤了下鼻涕。 ”請求你在準備好帶他一起走之前,不要讓他看到這個錄像。我不想讓他太早憶起一切而蒙受更多的痛苦。“
“Well, crap, that ship has sailed,” Cat o’ Two Tails said. She suddenly felt a need to counter the prickly sensation in her eyes with coarseness.
”啊,該死,木已成舟啦,“ 雙尾貓說。她突然感到自己需要用粗話抵禦鼻子發酸的感覺。
“The flight route is preprogrammed into the pod, and there should be enough fuel for a one-way trip. I trust that you will take him, because I have no other choice but to trust you,” The man looked exhausted from speaking. “Please do not leave my son behind. Find him, and tell him I love him if you can. You have my gratitude, farewell.”
”飛行路線我已編制入小艇的電腦系統,單程旅行的燃料也應該足夠。我相信你會帶上他一起走,因為我除了信任你以外別無他法,“ 看起來,說話費的力氣已讓男子精疲力盡。”請不要把他丟棄。請找到他,並儘量告訴他我愛他。我非常感激你,再見了。“
He pressed something off screen, and the projection stopped.
The Cat o’ Two Tails stood silent for a moment, and when she looked over at Robot9000, his entire body was lightly vibrating.
“Dad,” he said.
“爸,” 他說。
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